Brogalsco Farm
Broighter Gold Rapeseed Oil is grown by Richard and Leona Kane on their family farm, Brogalsco Farm, in Limavady. The Kanes have been farming the lands just outside Limavady, for well over 100 years.
The couple discovered their award winning rapeseed oil by accident in 2006. Leona was preparing steak for dinner but she had run out of olive oil to cook it. Richard fetched some of their unfiltered cold pressed rapeseed oil from the farm, which he’d been using to make bio-diesel.
As Leona cooked the steak, she was surprised that it did not stick to the pan. It was the smell that first caught her attention and there was no strong aftertaste from the oil. Leona then researched the health benefits of rapeseed oil and so the Broighter Gold we enjoy today was born!
Happy accidents are a bit of a thing at the farm, in 1896, two ploughmen discovered a hoard of gold on the land. Consisting of necklaces, torcs, a collar and a miniature boat complete with oars and seats, this has been described as the “greatest gold hoard in Ireland”. In acknowledgment of this unique history, the golden torc has become the Broighter logo, which also represents a single drop of oil.
The court decided that the hoard belonged to the Crown as it was considered “deliberately concealed” (rather than lost). The gold was handed over to the National Museum in Dublin where it still resides, although there is a replica set in the Ulster Museum.
Why Choose Rapeseed Oil?
Rapeseed oil is produced from the oilseed plant and comes from the same Brassica family as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower. All of these grow well in our climate, making this oil as local as they come.
This natural cold pressed oil boasts half the saturated fat of olive oil. It is bursting with lots of Omegas, including 10 times more Omega 3 than olive oil, plus it has Omega 6 and 9, proving a healthier alternative to olive oil.
Rapeseed oil has been proven to help lower cholesterol and reduce heart disease, offering the perfect balance as part of a controlled diet. It is low in saturated fats; it’s great for your nails, skin and hair and is the perfect brain food, as it is rich in Vitamin D & E, which has anti-aging properties!
When oils smoke, they generate toxic fumes and something called free radicals. These are harmful to our bodies. This is why you hear people talk about the smoke point of oils. Unlike olive or coconut oils, rapeseed oil has a high burn point of 220 degrees. This makes it great for frying, roasting as well as baking, drizzling and even dipping. It has a delicious nutty flavour which is most notable when used as a dip.
What does “Cold Pressed” mean?
Broighter Gold Rapeseed Oil is cold pressed. This refers to the method used to extract the oil from the seed. If a rapeseed oil is not cold pressed it may mean that chemicals have been used to extract more oil from the seed, this can harm the goodness that comes from the oil.
Environment and sustainability on the farm
The Kanes are committed to protecting their natural environment. Now the 6th generation of farmers on this land, the Kanes know that working the land in harmony with the wildlife and the soil is extremely important for future generations too.
As the farm is predominantly arable, the importance of soil health is foremost.
We use a system called mintil, which means that we do not plough. Not only does this reduce diesel use but it helps to keep worm habitats intact, which are needed for drainage and soil structure. The farm takes green waste compost from the council, which is a great way of building organic matter into the soil, reducing the need for fertiliser.
With the large acreage of oilseed grown to make Broighter Gold, the use of insecticides has been used sparingly, if needed at all. Spraying is carried out late at night when bees are back in their hives.
Furthermore, the Kanes play an active role in restoring hedgerows and planting trees. They have created a wildlife area and have two new owl boxes erected, helping to protect the endangered barn owl.